About three years ago, my family moved from Oklahoma to the great state of Arizona. Having never lived in the area, we did what we could to scour the internet for schooling options for our two boys. Since our oldest is on the Autism Spectrum we felt the gravity of the decision and knew what was at stake. But, thankfully, we stumbled upon a one-of-a-kind charter school for kids on the Spectrum. It was a perfect, safe, positive fit for him for the first few years in Phoenix. However, as he grew and matured we came to have increasing concerns about if it was the best fit and if he was able to be challenged and helped, encouraged and instructed, influenced and shaped in the ways that he, specifically, needed to grow to become all that we knew he could become. We felt stuck though – afraid that we really didn’t have many options for a special son like ours. However, at a Special Needs Conference we had the opportunity to talk to Jenny Clark about the Love Your School organization. We were amazed that there actually were a vast array of options that were available to us. When the conversation eventually came to the ESA program we were ecstatic. Fast forward and now a year later our son is thriving as we continue to utilize the ESA program to tailor our son’s education to meet both his great strengths and real challenges. We are profoundly grateful for the guidance that Jenny has provided for us as we navigate Arizona’s many school options. Honestly, we only wish we would have discovered Love Your School before moving to Arizona. We are so thankful to live in a state that provides for our children to have a variety of choices for education and believes that ultimately parents are the most equipped to make these important decisions. Our son is living proof that providing options empowers parents to help their own unique children thrive and become all that they can grow to be.