Video Killed the Radio Star

Thanks for reading my inaugural newsletter, Jenny’s MixTape- I’m excited to share some casual and brief insights on school choice issues on the ground here in Arizona – both from the parent perspective and as the Founder of Love Your School. The next few months will likely have a heavy emphasis on ESAs and implementation – given the number of states that have passed ESAs, this is particularly relevant.

Today’s mix-tape will focus on parent feedback and a recent shift in the surveys parents take.

“I heard you on the wireless back in ‘2022
Lying awake intently tuning in on you
If I was young it didn’t stop you coming through…..”

In Arizona, ESA parents have had a few options when it comes to providing feedback:

  1. A survey available on the Arizona Department of Education website.
  2. A survey related to HelpDesk tickets when they submit a support ticket.
  3. Some town halls and some sporadic Parent Advisory Council meetings hosted by ADE.
  4. In the past couple of years, through public comment at AZ State Board of Ed meetings.

Let’s stick with #1 above.

Up until a recently, the parent feedback survey wasn’t promoted well to families, and the questions could have been a lot more extensive, but it did provide a quick snapshot of parent feelings about 5-6 specific areas of the program – here are a few examples from the ESA Quarterly Report from Quarter 1, 2023 according to the ADE website:

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 9.28.10 AM

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 9.27.54 AM

Here is the link to the Arizona Department of Education’s NEW parent survey from June, which I received in my inbox as an ESA parent just last Friday, 6/23/2023:

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 9.30.42 AM

One question. That’s it.

For states implementing ESAs – don’t forget that surveying customers and stakeholders is incredibly valuable. Developing meaningful surveys for parents can generate responses which lead to actionable results and program improvement – and these results should be shared with the public and leaders / policymakers.


  1. Whether or not surveys are required in statute or rules, they should be regularly done
  2. Increase emphasis and value on survey completion by parents AND vendors
  3. Develop a thoughtful array of survey questions
  4. Make survey results usable to the public

“Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far
Pictures came and broke your heart
Put the blame on…..”

I’d suggest a rewind.




Listen to Video Killed the Radio Star:


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