20. Transforming K-12 with Keri Hunter of Stand Together Trust


In this week’s episode, we are chatting with Keri Hunter of Stand Together Trust. Keri is a mother to a seventh grader and a senior. Though her children are only teens, Keri has been in the School Choice movement for over 20 years.

Stand Together Trust is a broader philanthropic community looking to help solve some of the biggest challenges in America. One of such challenges is to transform K-12 schooling. The trust believes in people and strives to work from the bottom up to create change and transformation.

We had a great time learning more about this awesome community and what they are doing to propel the school choice movement! We hope you will too!


Episode Highlights:

  • Background of how Keri got into School Choice
  • Transforming the space of K-12
  • What is Stand Together Trust doing for School Choice

More on Keri & Stand Together Trust: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

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