28. Learning in Nature with Katie Switzer of Monongalia Forest School


Welcome back, friends! Today on the show, we are joined by Katie Switzer, founder of Monongalia Forest School. Katie lives in Morgantown with her husband and four kids. In the summer of 2021, she began looking for a forest school for her kids to participate in.  When she didn’t find an option that was the right fit for her family, she decided to start her own!

Katie reached out to a friend who had been running a forest school in another state for advice, and the friend offered to share her curriculum with her. That’s when Monongalia Forest School was born. In her first fall session, Katie had 13 families sign up, and she now averages around 60 families with 100 children!

At Monongalia Forest school, you can expect to go to a new location each week, take a hike, explore, climb, and play games. Sessions are offered on Thursdays or Saturdays. We really enjoyed learning about this unique program for families, and we hope you will too!

Episode Highlights:

  • What is the Monongalia Forest School?
  • What to expect during a forest school session
  • Supervised Risk Taking

More on Katie & Monongalia Forest School: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

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