30. Mountaineer Homeschool Hub with Angie Channell


Welcome back to the We Have Hope Podcast! Today on the show, we are chatting with Angie Channell, founder of Mountaineer Homeschool Hub.

In 2011, Angie’s son came to her and asked her to be homeschooled. He was in second grade at the time and was being bullied in school. After some research and support of friends and her husband, Angie took the leap into homeschooling her son.

Their homeschooling journey continued through 6th grade, and in 7th grade, her son decided to try school again. By his 8th grade year, he decided he wanted to go back to homeschooling.

When her son graduated high school and went on to college, Angie decided it was time to fill her time with another adventure. In 2019, she started offering an Intro to Photography course. Over time, her class sizes grew, and she decided to officially start Mountaineer Homeschool Hub and offer more classes in February of 2020.

Mountaineer Homeschool Hub is a homeschool enrichment center that offers classes, events, and activities that enrich the homeschooling experience. Tune in to learn more about this unique learning opportunity!

Episode Highlights:

  • Background on Angie & Mountaineer Homeschool Hub
  • The Great Pause
  • Forming Friendships
  • Evolving Classes to Suit the Students
  • Course/Session Offerings
  • Student Led Learning
  • Anyone can homeschool
  • Homeschoolers and College

More on Guest: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

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