33. A Parent’s Perspective with Victoria Evans


Today on We Have Hope, we are chatting with our editor and friend, Victoria Evans. Victoria lives in Salem, West Virginia with her husband Travis and their two children.

In our conversation today, Victoria shares about challenges her daughter had before, during, and after the school shutdowns, and how school choice made a way for them to find freedom, flexibility, and stability in a time when they needed it most.

In the 21-22 school year, the Evans family switched both of their children to a homeschooling partnership at Centerbranch Academy. The partnership combines the flexibility of homeschool while providing consistent core instruction three days a week, making it a wonderful alternative for both stay at home parents and parents that work outside of the home.

We are excited to share this story with you and hope it encourages you to reassess and reimagine your children’s education!


Episode Highlights:

  • Background on Victoria
  • School Choice
  • Struggles during shutdown & ipad schooling
  • Finding hope in a new program
  • Thriving in a new environment
  • Freedom & flexibility in curriculum
  • Homework
  • Hope for families

More on Victoria & Centerbranch Academy: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

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