39. Pathways Early College Academy with Alden Kiertzner


Welcome back to We Have Hope! We have a special guest on the show with us today. Alden Kiertzner, founding principal of Pathways Early College Academy is here with us to share about their program. PECA is an online High School Academy partnered with Pathways College.

Pathways College started with a mission to bring affordable college to every student. Through the process, they saw an opportunity to give high school students a way to work ahead, earn college credits, and reduce college tuition.

By attending PECA, students have the potential to earn an AA or bachelor’s degree by the time they graduate high school. We were fascinated to learn more about this new to West Virginia program.

Tune in to find out more!


Episode Highlights:

  • How PECA got its start
  • What is PECA?
  • What courses are offered?
  • Dual enrollment
  • Transferring credits
  • A typical day at PECA
  • Hope Scholarship & tuition
  • Self paced curriculum
  • Teacher to student ratio
  • Enrollment Process

More on Pathways Early College Academy: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

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