48. Meet Love Your School West Virginia’s New Executive Director, Buster Nicholson!


We’re excited to introduce today’s guest, Love Your School West Virginia’s new Executive Director, Buster Nicholson! Buster has worked in the public school system as a teacher and administrator. He had his own tutoring center, and he & his wife of 33 years homeschooled their children from 1998-2021.


In today’s episode, we dive into Buster’s past, discuss his hopes for the school choice movement in West Virginia, and his dreams for Love Your School WV’s future.


Buster brings vast experience & knowledge to our team, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Love Your School West Virginia!


Episode Highlights:

  • Meet our new Executive Director!
  • Decentralization in the School System.
  • Buster’s experience with homeschooling.
  • Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • Mimicking real-life in teaching concepts.
  • Encouragement for parents.
  • Looking for the positive.
  • Buster’s hope for Love Your School WV’s future.

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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