59. Wild & Wonderful Enrichment with Jodie Witmer

We’re excited to have Jodie Witmer, owner and founder of Wild & Wonderful Enrichment with us on the show today. Jodie started her career in education in the summers of her college years, working with kids in small groups. She graduated with a Bachelors in Elementary Education from Shepherd University.

When her son turned three, they started forest school, and she shares that it was their first introduction to homeschool. She went on to eventually enroll him in public kindergarten, but during his first grade year, she felt that they needed a transition.

After attending a workshop, Jodie’s eyes were opened to so many educational possibilities & ideas. She began homeschooling her son, and wanted to open up a place for other homeschool families to bring their children for enrichment activities. The idea of Wild and Wonderful Enrichment was born.

Wild and Wonderful Enrichment offers small groups, hands-on learning, and exploration of nature for homeschool students. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents who want their kids to get additional enrichment classes in addition to what they are already receiving in their homeschool education.

Check out this episode for more information on this educational opportunity!

Episode Highlights:

  • Intro to Jodie.
  • Jodie’s educational background.
  • How Jodie was introduced to homeschool.
  • The idea of an enrichment program.
  • Wild & Wonderful Enrichment.

More on Guest: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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