68. The Write Journey with Kris Cordell

In this episode, we sit down with Kris, a dedicated homeschool mom, who shares her journey of teaching her four children. She recalls the excitement of discovering the “perfect” language arts curriculum, only to hit a brick wall a few weeks into each school year. This overwhelming experience led her to realize that her children didn’t need to master every detail to succeed.

This epiphany was the catalyst for the creation of The Write Journey three decades ago. Kris’s mission became clear—distilling the best, most essential elements from the vast array of available curricula to focus on what truly matters. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the abundance of educational resources and wished for a clear path to mastering the most critical skills, Kris’s story will resonate with you.

Through The Write Journey, children build confidence by taking “Writing Foundations” and “Reading & Writing” classes. Adults can also learn to teach these methods and participate in community events. Tune in to hear Kris’s inspiring story and learn how The Write Journey can support your educational goals.


Episode Highlights:

  • Backstory on The Write Journey.
  • The 80/20 rule.
  • The progression of The Write Journey.
  • The importance of individual feedback.
  • What classes look like.
  • Foundational skills.
  • Adult training program.
  • Where to find out more.

More on The Write Journey: 

More on Love Your School/Links Mentioned in Episode:

This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.

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