
Jenny Clark

Founder & CEO

Arizona native and mother of five, Jenny Clark knows full well the unique variations in how children learn. They thrive in a variety of different educational environments. Jenny grew up in Arizona, attended her local district school from K-12, and then continued on to the University of Arizona and received a BSBA in Business Economics. Today, she utilizes a variety of schooling options for her own family, and loves sharing with other families about their options and helping them find the right fit for their kids!


That’s what inspired Love Your School. Jenny wanted to create an avenue for families and schools to share more about the amazing ways Arizona kids are learning, growing, and loving their education – whether they are in district, charter, private, online, homeschool, microschool, learning pod, or receive an Arizona Empowerment Scholarship.

Buster Nicholson

Executive Director

My name is Buster Nicholson. I currently reside in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. I have worked in the public school system as a teacher and administrator. During my tenure in the classroom, I saw many opportunities to improve on the methodologies of instructional delivery. This led me to opening and operating a tutoring center which focused on individualized plans and assessment techniques that utilize multi-modal remediation and enrichment. Using my experience, I authored and published  SchoolMedic’s Field Guide to Elementary Classroom Management . 


I have an M.S. in Supervision and Administration in Education, and a B.A. in Elementary Education. My career path has included executive level positions in government, as an analyst for the U.S. Secret Service, and in senior management at American Military University. My wife and I enjoyed homeschooling out four children beginning in 1998 and finishing in 2021.

Lucy Willing


Lucy is passionate about school choice and empowering families to find school options that serve them best. She is amazed that West Virginia can offer so many education possibilities for families! Lucy has a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College with a focus in counseling. She is also currently working towards her MABTS at Phoenix Seminary.

Lucy worked in early childhood development programs serving children ages one to five, and also spent years tutoring and academic-mentoring students ages 14-22 in the United States, Lebanon, Slovakia, and the Netherlands. Lucy knows first-hand how important individualized education is for students and is grateful to live in a nation where children are given the opportunity to attend a school that allows them to thrive!

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